Scanning the world on the outside
we paint pictures of it in our heads.
Not precisely the way it is,
But the way our atoms sense it.

Our perspective changes,
mind you it changes.
Our painting mutates,
as we evolve
with each beat of the heart,
as our body cells reproduce incessantly
which makes us altogether different
from a version of us
still in the present
of an immediate past

You see?
How our own perspective
lacks a constant?
Do you see
how change is the only “constant” inevitable?
You see how this perspective
is not an abstract painting
but a motion picture
always in flux?
But this human tendency –
absolutely plagued by the thirst of
leashing everything that comes,
in an effort to add dimensions
to the supremely unchainable,
fiercely unintelligible
and indefinitely infinite Universe,
through Physics, solemnly tries
to chain it
with constants and laws.

Reason why my reality is not Science.
My reality is made up of
magic spells and witchcraft,
for what makes more sense to me
than anything in this world is
this Hebrew phrase Abra Cadabra – that translates to “I create what I speak”
that sets free not just me,
but unleashes the soul
of the entire Universe
from these deliberate invisible bonds
to let it run with me free into the wilds
with open hair, bare feet
and hypnotic vibes.

Shaurya Sharma đŸ•‰

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