
Saltwater hair Flip flops in sand Laughter reminiscent of violent rain Striking profoundness in your glance Face as cold as an unforgettable disease Yet charming as of an alchemist Dagger-like eyes Lost count of casualties Sunlit aura Basked in phosphenes Eclipsed soul Star-studded skin Bloody knuckles Scarred wrists Yet grip as tender as of mother’s […]

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Scanning the world on the outside we paint pictures of it in our heads. Not precisely the way it is, But the way our atoms sense it. Our perspective changes, mind you it changes. Our painting mutates, as we evolve with each beat of the heart, as our body cells reproduce incessantly which makes us […]



You look at that face that doesn’t smile often, that can drug you to oblivion twice in a moment You stare at those Carribbean eyes whose depth unfathomable like the abyss, that hold mysteries you think are as unsolved as black hole explosions You gaze at that silhouette that forms when she stands in the […]

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