You look at that face
that doesn’t smile often,
that can drug you
to oblivion twice
in a moment

You stare at those Carribbean eyes
whose depth unfathomable
like the abyss,
that hold mysteries you think
are as unsolved as black hole explosions

You gaze at that silhouette
that forms when she stands in the fields
against the sky light
in the night of the waning moon,
that speaks
and sparks
of black magic

Now tell me if
she makes you feel things, or if
she does not, or if
she pauses your moment
for a while, or if
she renders you hope
for an extraordinary future
that lies within supernatural realms,
only for you
to unfold yourself
to the sorcery of higher worlds

Tell me if
you’d answer the calls
of other dimensions, or if
you’d give her a chance, or if
you’d give yourself a chance
to travel wild across different worlds
everyday, with her, through her

Shaurya Sharma 🕉

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